Here's a couple of looks I turn to on a semi-daily basis as a template for my fashion sense. Most of them are either timeless and classic, or so over-the-top that they swing past bad and into awesome, so look for these to work for you regardless of how fashions change:
1. All the characters from Mary Poppins (but most specifically Bert, and to a lesser extent Mr. Banks)
2. Sweeney Todd (AWESOME use of vest and pinstriping)
3. Eugene Hutz (great use of hodgepodged fashion and found-object accessorization)
4. Captain Jack Sparrow (same concept as Hutz, great look cobbled together from random bits)
5. Traditional Street-Punk style (my fashion guilty pleasure)
6. 1960's Mod (I covered WHY I love this shit in my second post)
7. Suedeheads (notice the lack of Morrissey! Basically like mods but tougher and less fruity)
...and there you have it. Sorry it took so long to find something worthwhile to post, I promise it won't happen again! (it will.)
Thursday, July 9, 2009
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